Saturday 4 March 2017

Representation of disability DR CAGES


Mise en Scene 
Costume -
Lighting- Natural 
Actors- boy with down syndrome 
Make-up - natural 
Props- Toy gun in comparison to kite and squishy toys, weetabix 
Setting- Home, bedroom kitchen, bus stop, school 

Bedroom is split in half, half is dull black and white fairly tidy. other half is messy brightly coloured and chaotic. shows the different personalities of the two boys. and different capabilities 

Frame- birds eye view of bedroom to clearly show the difference between characters, bird's eye view when david is in the tree getting kite back this shows a shot of david about ben this shows how disabled people are often
 looked at as belittled and smaller than those without disability.
close up on ben shows how he may need to be watched cosey. adults never have a close up in this clip shows that they are further away from disability compared to bed also shows how youth must be watched closely as well as those with disability this is a way which ben and davis are the same. 

shot when david is talking to his friend after school ben is in the lower half of the camera shot this belittles his importance as a character this takes the focus of of him from this show but has great significance to show the un-importance of how often people with disabilities are pushed aside. it also shows how those with disabilities are excluded from social conversations and society in general and it is assumed they are not capable to join in.

Order of narrative- wake up, breakfast, toilet,bus stop, school, after school, bus. 
Pace- whole day is fit into a 5 minute clip. - montage when showing evolution has a lot of quick shots 
Screen times- teens have more screen time than adults 

Music- starts fast ends slow gives the slip more emotion and helps audience gain build sympathy by end of the clip.
Dialogue- ben spoken to like a child by adults but not by david shows that the youth and teens dismiss disability more than adults. 
On screen or off-  off screen narrative when ben is on the bus going home as well as at the beginning when in the bedroom. both narratives are david speaking even when it is ben in the shot this suggests even tho the film wants audience to feel sympathy to ben david is still the main focus and still a large part in ben's screen time. 
Voice over- (see above)
Diegetic/ non diegetic

                                        Analyse the representation of disability in this clip.

In the clip of coming down the mountain disability is portrayed in the Mise end scene. The use of props between the two characters is clearly very different. Ben is a young boy with down syndrome and can be seen playing with stimulating childish toys at the bus stop, in comparison Davis can be seen playing with a toy gun aiming it at his brother with disabilities these toys clearly have different meanings and are being played with for different reasons. The use of childish toys for ben suggests he has a much younger mentality and is much more innocent in comparison to someone without disability; ben whom plays with a toy gun with much mature themes of shooting his brother. The Mise en scene setting in the bedroom which the brothers obviously, shows the two brothers different personalities. The use of bright colours on Bens half of the room which is also very messy and unorganised, this portrays how Bens life and mind may be; very chaotic and unorganised but also very bright colourful and cheerful. David’s side of the room however is much tidier, very dull with greys white and blacks it is clearly very different from Bens side.

The camera frame when David is retrieving Bens kite from a tree, not only shows another mise en scene prop to portray Ben as more childish, but the angle of the shot shows David above Ben. The camera shot is from Bens angle looking up towards David. This is a natural sibling feeling when the younger sibling looks up to their older sibling however due to the natural stereotypes of disability and Ben having down syndrome the audience can see that this shot is not used to show a relationship between siblings but the idea of someone with a disability compared to someone without. The idea that someone with a disability is below everyone else. The represents disabled people in a negative light. Another camera frame that represents disabled people as unimportant is the shot when David is taking to his friend in the school playground. Ben is shown in the lower half of the camera frame this belittles his importance as a character and takes the focus away from him. This has high importance in the representation of disabled people to show how often they are pushed aside and excluded from social conversations. The audience would know how often disabled people are thought to be un social or incapable of social interactions; this show clearly portrays these stereotypical thoughts.

The editing of the clip from coming down the mountain is very fast pace. A whole day is fit into a 5-minuet clip and the order of the narrative is structured to wake up, breakfast, toiler, bus stop, school, after school, bus. Someone with a mental disability often needs structure to their day this clip clearly shows structure and nothing out of the ordinary happens to ben.

The dialogue in this clip differs between characters. At the beginning of the clip Ben and Davids mother is leaving for work in this clip the tone of her dialogue changes when she talks to ben and says goodbye Ben is spoken to like a child; in a way that suggests he wouldn’t understand if she spoke normally in comparison she talks to David in a very bland, regular way which appears less loving. This shows representation of how treatment of children may differ if one was to have a disability. It suggest to the audience Ben is treated differently possibly favoured because he has a disability. This could mean the audience has some sympathy for David.In the shot when Ben is traveling home alone on the bus there is a voice over off screen sound of David narrating, the dialogue is mostly how hard it is for David to have a disabled brother.  This scene is the only scene in the clip where David appears alone. This non-diegetic sound completely takes the focus off Ben. This representation shows that even though ben should be the focus those without a disability will always be centred. The scene portrays the idea that many people will say how disabled people should have equal chances but reminds the audience that those without a disability will always have the lime light.

1 comment:

  1. Some really interesting points in here Lorna - you focus well on disability and follow your analysis through. Well done!
    - I sense that you feel less confident with editing; we'll go over this.
    - Keep using media terminology as much as you can!
